Founding Software Engineer, Full-Stack Product

Founding Software Engineer, Durable Workflow Engine

Make your own job

About Rize

You will rewrite the destiny of an enormous market with us.

Rize is building the next-generation operating system and applications for home services businesses to run their operations. There are a few incumbents in the space that are unicorns or making more than $100m/year selling mediocre software. We’re aiming to beat all of them at product and distribution.

Home services is a $650b market with growing demand and a shrinking labor pool. Skilled labor is aging out of the workforce and fewer people are entering the trades, especially in the United States. Becoming more efficient is every home services business owner’s #1 priority.

This is a huge critical market typically overlooked by Silicon Valley, despite its importance to our livelihoods. Home services includes HVAC, plumbing, electricians, solar, roofing, pool cleaning, and much more.

We’d love to share more about what we’re up to (with a particular focus on our wedge into something as broad as an operating system) in-person in San Francisco if you’re interested!